나는 오늘 사파리에서 얼룩말들이 크게 무리지어 있는 것을 보았습니다.
Today on the safari I saw a big herd of zebras.
Basic 밤 bam = 1. night 2. chestnut | Intermediate 계속 gye sok = continuous, continuation | Advanced 해리포터 he ri po tuh = [Trademark] Harry Potter |
Yesterday's Words:
사파리 sa pa ri = safari | 사업 sa up = business | 헐떡이다 hul tuh gi da = to gasp, to pant |
색 sek = colour 잠옷 jam ot = pyjamas, pajamas 줄 jool = 1. line, string 2. (particle after verb to add meaning of 'way', 'method', 'means') 회 hwe = 1. sashimi (raw fish) 2. gathering, assembly 3. gray or grey (colour) 읽기책 il gi chek = reading book |
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Antosch & Lin http://www.korean-flashcards. Email: antosch@gmail.com |
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