Basic 점퍼 jum puh = jumper | Intermediate 영양 yung yang = 1. nutrition 2. antelope | Advanced 승무원 soong moo wun = crew, flight attendant, stewardess |
내용 ne yong = content
줄 jool = 1. line, string 2. (particle after verb to add meaning of 'way', 'method', 'means')
낳다 nat da = to give birth to, to bear, to produce
서다 suh da = 1. to stand 2. to stop
기술 gi sool = technique, skill
Words of the Day:
Basic 소년 so nyun = boy | Intermediate 먹이 muk i = feed, food (for animals) | Advanced 꼭대기 kok de gi = the top, the summit |
Yesterday's Words:
경찰 gyung chal = the police | 생산 seng san = production, manufacture | 회전관람차 hwe jun gwan ram cha = Ferris wheel |
인도네시아 in do ne shi a = Indonesia
남편 nam pyun = husband
조모 jo mo = grandmother (formal tone)
읽기책 il gi chek = reading book
이자 i ja = 1. interest (finance) 2. (particle after noun) and also
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